How do I add a new report to my HubSpot dashboard?

You can add up to 30 reports to a HubSpot dashboards. Here's how to add reports to an existing dashboard.

There are multiple ways to add reports to a dashboard in HubSpot:

  1. Via the dashboard
  2. When creating the report
  3. From the reports library

Adding reports via the dashboard

  • Go to the dashboard you want to add a report to
  • In the top right, click on the orange button, "Add report"
  • From here you have two options:

adding report to dashboard

  1. From saved reports: Choose from any of the reports you have already built
  2. Create report: Build a new report from scratch or find one from the library

When creating the report

When you create a report, as soon as you save the report, it will ask you if you want to add the report to a dashboard.

From here, select the dashboard you want to add the report to.

save report

From the reports library

If you click on the "From saved reports" option via the dashboard or go to Reporting > Reports > My reports, you'll be taken to the Reports library where you can see all the reports created. 

From here, you can find the report you want to add to the dashboard and click on "Add to Dashboard".

adding report from report library

This will then open a section where you can search for the report you want to add

add report